updated readme

This commit is contained in:
smash 2020-11-01 14:35:01 +01:00
parent de862b5882
commit 543838b07a
1 changed files with 23 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -3,24 +3,31 @@
## idea
higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on your wellbeing. during the current pandemic higher CO2 concentrations inside are also a pretty good indication for higher levels of aerosol and as such a higher risk for infection. the 'CO2 Ampel' (CO2 traffic light) will give you a visual representation of the current situation and remind you to open windows to keep you happy and healthy
higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on your wellbeing. during the current pandemic higher CO2 concentrations inside are also a pretty good indic
ation for higher levels of aerosol and as such a higher risk for infection. the 'CO2 Ampel' (CO2 traffic light) will give you a visual representation of the current situation and remin
d you to open windows to keep you happy and healthy
## parts list
| description | part | link |
| -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| ESP32 | ESP-32 30Pin | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32864722159.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6e7e745aBnlwmM&algo_pvid=b9be1fdc-113a-4e2e-aafa-4e08151af66c&algo_expid=b9be1fdc-113a-4e2e-aafa-4e08151af66c-1&btsid=0ab50f6215990625361401073eaad4&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)|
| Infrared CO2 Sensor | mhz-19 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/i/32952229446.html) |
| Active piezzo buzzer | KY-012 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32740686896.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.554c8f02ZzXw5y&algo_pvid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba&algo_expid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618356642096e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) |
| Active piezzo buzzer (optional) | KY-012 | [Aliexpress Link](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32740686896.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.554c8f02ZzXw5y&algo_pvid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba&algo_expid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618356642096e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) |
| OLED Display | SSD1306 | |
| LED-Ring (9 Pixel) | WS2812 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32835427711.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.847c3d32JLroFX&algo_pvid=32c7c01b-df4b-430e-b550-00097f15afde&algo_expid=32c7c01b-df4b-430e-b550-00097f15afde-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618906573133e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) |
## build
* solder everything according to the connection schema
* get yourself a copy of esphome (https://esphome.io/)
* compile the firmware with ```co2ampel=USER_ROOM esphome co2sensor.yaml run``` (replace user with a nick that identifies you or your organisation and room with the place the sensor is located at - these will be used for online graphing!)
* get yourself a copy of esphome (https://esphome.io/) ```pip3 install esphome```
* compile the firmware with ```co2ampel=USER_ROOM esphome co2sensor.yaml run```
* replace user with a nick that identifies you or your organisation
* replace room with the place the sensor is located at
* e.g. unhb_hackspace or unhb_001 for obfuscation
* these will be used for online graphing! if sensor has wifi access
* hold boot on your esp32 until fw upload starts.
## setup
@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on y
## grafana
there is a quick setup on http://co2.cyber23.de:3000/d/1axlpIdGk/co2?orgId=1&refresh=10s your sensor should apper in the list on the left as soon it is connected via wifi
there is a quick setup on [here](http://co2.cyber23.de:3000/d/1axlpIdGk/co2?orgId=1&refresh=10s&var-co2name=smash_wohnzimmer&from=now-2d&to=now) your sensor should apper in the list on the left as soon it is connected via wifi.
### schema
@ -65,18 +72,16 @@ either way it might be a good idea to have a capacitor between VCC and GND. my p
## readings for inside rooms
| CO2 measure | light | buzzer | meaning |
| ----------- | ------ | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 400 ppm | none | no | more or less the baseline of the sensor hardware and means 'fresh air quality' |
| 400-800ppm | none | no | safe zone and can be considered good air quality |
| 800-1500ppm | yellow | no | warning zone (consider to open windows) and is between medium and bad air quality |
| > 1500ppm | red + blink | no | bad air quality, ppl in the room will be affected in a negative way |
| CO2 measure | light | buzzer | meaning |
| ----------- | ----------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 400 ppm | none | no | more or less the baseline of the sensor hardware and means 'outside air quality' |
| 400-800ppm | none | no | safe zone and can be considered good air quality |
| 800-1000ppm | yellow | no | warning zone (consider to open windows) and is between medium and bad air quality |
| > 1000ppm | red + blink | no | hygienic bad air quality, chance for infections rise |
## todo
- [ ] cooldown time for buzzer (alarm only once every n minutes) -> lambda/interval/on_time?
- [x] add openings for mh-z19 to the case
- [x] adjust light tunnel to use frosted acrylic glass
- [ ] add a silent switch for meeting rooms and such (no buzzer, but flash at a regular interval to attract attention)