diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index da9ab85..a3ca60e 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -3,24 +3,31 @@ ![](https://git.unhb.de/smash/co2ampel/raw/branch/master/doc/case.jpg) ## idea -higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on your wellbeing. during the current pandemic higher CO2 concentrations inside are also a pretty good indication for higher levels of aerosol and as such a higher risk for infection. the 'CO2 Ampel' (CO2 traffic light) will give you a visual representation of the current situation and remind you to open windows to keep you happy and healthy +higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on your wellbeing. during the current pandemic higher CO2 concentrations inside are also a pretty good indic +ation for higher levels of aerosol and as such a higher risk for infection. the 'CO2 Ampel' (CO2 traffic light) will give you a visual representation of the current situation and remin +d you to open windows to keep you happy and healthy ## parts list - | description | part | link | | -------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------- | | ESP32 | ESP-32 30Pin | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32864722159.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6e7e745aBnlwmM&algo_pvid=b9be1fdc-113a-4e2e-aafa-4e08151af66c&algo_expid=b9be1fdc-113a-4e2e-aafa-4e08151af66c-1&btsid=0ab50f6215990625361401073eaad4&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)| | Infrared CO2 Sensor | mhz-19 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/i/32952229446.html) | -| Active piezzo buzzer | KY-012 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32740686896.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.554c8f02ZzXw5y&algo_pvid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba&algo_expid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618356642096e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) | +| Active piezzo buzzer (optional) | KY-012 | [Aliexpress Link](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32740686896.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.554c8f02ZzXw5y&algo_pvid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba&algo_expid=a49664ca-1685-4d9a-b7ba-45c1fbf5a7ba-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618356642096e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) | | OLED Display | SSD1306 | | | LED-Ring (9 Pixel) | WS2812 | [Aliexpress Link ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/32835427711.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.847c3d32JLroFX&algo_pvid=32c7c01b-df4b-430e-b550-00097f15afde&algo_expid=32c7c01b-df4b-430e-b550-00097f15afde-0&btsid=0ab6f83115990618906573133e52ad&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_) | + + ## build * solder everything according to the connection schema -* get yourself a copy of esphome (https://esphome.io/) -* compile the firmware with ```co2ampel=USER_ROOM esphome co2sensor.yaml run``` (replace user with a nick that identifies you or your organisation and room with the place the sensor is located at - these will be used for online graphing!) +* get yourself a copy of esphome (https://esphome.io/) ```pip3 install esphome``` +* compile the firmware with ```co2ampel=USER_ROOM esphome co2sensor.yaml run``` + * replace user with a nick that identifies you or your organisation + * replace room with the place the sensor is located at + * e.g. unhb_hackspace or unhb_001 for obfuscation + * these will be used for online graphing! if sensor has wifi access * hold boot on your esp32 until fw upload starts. ## setup @@ -31,7 +38,7 @@ higher concentrations of CO2 inside will make you sleepy and have an impact on y ## grafana -there is a quick setup on http://co2.cyber23.de:3000/d/1axlpIdGk/co2?orgId=1&refresh=10s your sensor should apper in the list on the left as soon it is connected via wifi +there is a quick setup on [here](http://co2.cyber23.de:3000/d/1axlpIdGk/co2?orgId=1&refresh=10s&var-co2name=smash_wohnzimmer&from=now-2d&to=now) your sensor should apper in the list on the left as soon it is connected via wifi. ### schema @@ -46,7 +53,7 @@ there is a quick setup on http://co2.cyber23.de:3000/d/1axlpIdGk/co2?orgId=1&ref | GND | WS2812 (GND) | | | GND | SSD1306 (GND) | | | D4 | WS2812 (DI) | | -| RX2 / D16 | mhz-19 (TX) | | +| RX2 / D16 | mhz-19 (TX) | | | TX2 / D17 | mhz-19 (RX) | | | I2C SDA / D21 | SSD1306 (SDA) | | | I2C SCL / D22 | SSD1306 (SCL) | | @@ -65,18 +72,16 @@ either way it might be a good idea to have a capacitor between VCC and GND. my p ## readings for inside rooms -| CO2 measure | light | buzzer | meaning | -| ----------- | ------ | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -| 400 ppm | none | no | more or less the baseline of the sensor hardware and means 'fresh air quality' | -| 400-800ppm | none | no | safe zone and can be considered good air quality | -| 800-1500ppm | yellow | no | warning zone (consider to open windows) and is between medium and bad air quality | -| > 1500ppm | red + blink | no | bad air quality, ppl in the room will be affected in a negative way | +| CO2 measure | light | buzzer | meaning | +| ----------- | ----------- | ------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| 400 ppm | none | no | more or less the baseline of the sensor hardware and means 'outside air quality' | +| 400-800ppm | none | no | safe zone and can be considered good air quality | +| 800-1000ppm | yellow | no | warning zone (consider to open windows) and is between medium and bad air quality | +| > 1000ppm | red + blink | no | hygienic bad air quality, chance for infections rise | + - ## todo -- [ ] cooldown time for buzzer (alarm only once every n minutes) -> lambda/interval/on_time? -- [x] add openings for mh-z19 to the case -- [x] adjust light tunnel to use frosted acrylic glass -- [ ] add a silent switch for meeting rooms and such (no buzzer, but flash at a regular interval to attract attention) + +