#include #include #include #ifdef OTA_PASSWORD #include #endif #include "settings.h" WiFiClient wifiClient; PubSubClient mqttClient; SoftwareSerial geigerCounterSerial(PIN_UART_RX, PIN_UART_TX); uint8_t idx = 0; char buffer[64]; char hostname[24]; int lastCPM = 0, currentCPM = 0; float lastuSv = 0, currentuSv = 0; unsigned long lastPublishMs = 0; void setup() { // power up wait delay(3000); Serial.begin(115200); geigerCounterSerial.begin(9600); delay(10); #ifdef WIFI_HOSTNAME strncpy(hostname, WIFI_HOSTNAME, sizeof(hostname)); #else snprintf(hostname, sizeof(hostname), "ESP-GEIGER-%X", ESP.getChipId()); #endif WiFi.hostname(hostname); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("."); delay(500); } mqttClient.setClient(wifiClient); mqttClient.setServer(MQTT_HOST, 1883); connectMqtt(); #ifdef OTA_PASSWORD ArduinoOTA.setHostname(hostname); ArduinoOTA.setPassword(OTA_PASSWORD); ArduinoOTA.begin(); #endif #ifdef PIN_PULSE pinMode(PIN_PULSE, INPUT); attachInterrupt(PIN_PULSE, onPulse, RISING); #endif } #ifdef PIN_PULSE ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void onPulse() { mqttClient.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_PULSE, "true"); } #endif void publishValues() { char tmp[8]; if (currentCPM != lastCPM) { sprintf(tmp, "%d", currentCPM); mqttClient.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_CPM, tmp, true); } if (currentuSv != lastuSv) { sprintf(tmp, "%.2f", currentuSv); mqttClient.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_USV, tmp, true); } lastCPM = currentCPM; lastuSv = currentuSv; } void connectMqtt() { while (!mqttClient.connected()) { if (mqttClient.connect(hostname, MQTT_TOPIC_LAST_WILL, 1, true, "disconnected")) { mqttClient.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_LAST_WILL, "connected", true); Serial.println("MQTT connected"); } else { Serial.println("MQTT connect failed"); delay(1000); } } } void parseReceivedLine(char* input) { char segment = 0; char *token; float uSv = 0; float cpm = 0; token = strtok(input, ", "); while (token != NULL) { switch (segment) { // This is just for validation case IDX_CPS_KEY: if (strcmp(token, "CPS") != 0) return; break; case IDX_CPM_KEY: if (strcmp(token, "CPM") != 0) return; break; case IDX_uSv_KEY: if (strcmp(token, "uSv/hr") != 0) return; break; case IDX_CPM: Serial.printf("Current CPM: %s\n", token); cpm = atoi(token); break; case IDX_uSv: Serial.printf("Current uSv/hr: %s\n", token); uSv = atof(token); break; } if (segment > 7) { // Invalid! There should be no more than 7 segments return; } token = strtok(NULL, ", "); segment++; } currentuSv = uSv; currentCPM = cpm; } void loop() { connectMqtt(); mqttClient.loop(); if (millis() - lastPublishMs > MQTT_PUBLISH_INTERVAL_MS) { lastPublishMs = millis(); publishValues(); } if (geigerCounterSerial.available()) { char input = geigerCounterSerial.read(); buffer[idx++] = input; // Echo Serial-Data from GeigerCounter to USB-Debug Serial.write(input); if (input == '\n') { parseReceivedLine(buffer); idx = 0; } // Just in case the buffer gets to big, start from scratch if (idx > 42) { idx = 0; } } #ifdef OTA_PASSWORD ArduinoOTA.handle(); #endif }