--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default trigger: branch: - master steps: - name: Version check image: klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine-ci commands: - echo "Checking Hugo version." - hugo version - hugo mod graph - name: Submodules image: alpine/git commands: - git submodule update --init --recursive - name: Build image: klakegg/hugo:ext-alpine-ci commands: - hugo --destination /drone/src/build - name: Upload image: drillster/drone-rsync commands: - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo "$SSH_KEY" | ssh-add - - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - echo -e "Host *\\n\\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\\n\\n" > ~/.ssh/config # - rsync -rv -e "ssh -p 22222" /drone/src/build/ hadr@server4.unhb.de:/htdocs/ --checksum - scp -P 22222 -r /drone/src/build/* hadr@server4.un-hack-bar.de:/htdocs/ environment: SSH_KEY: from_secret: drone_ssh_key # Currently not working #- name: Notify via Matrix # image: plugins/matrix # settings: # homeserver: https://matrix.un-hack-bar.de # roomid: fUltBPKcpwFMiDQCAL:matrix.un-hack-bar.de # username: daneelolivaw # password: $MATRIX_PASSWD # template: | # {{#success build.status}} # {{build.author}} just built `{{repo.name}}:{{build.branch}}` from <${DRONE_COMMIT_LINK}|#{{truncate build.commit 8}}> # :new: {{build.message}} # {{else}} # {{build.author}} just broke the build of `{{repo.name}}:{{build.branch}}` with >${DRONE_COMMIT_LINK}|#{{truncate build.commit 8}} # :new: :zombie: {{build.message}} # {{/success}} # :stopwatch: {{ since build.started }} # :gear: {{build.link}} # environment: # MATRIX_PASSWD: # from_secred: matrix_password